
  • Terms and Conditions
    Terms and Conditions Effective Date: [Insert Date] Welcome to ZJ Home Solutions LLC . These Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) govern your access to and use of our website and the services provided through the Site. By accessing or using our Site, you agree to be bound by these Terms. 1. Acceptance of Terms By […]
  • Oklahoma economic growth among highest in country
    Oklahoma’s economy grew at the third-fastest clip in the country in the third quarter of last year, as oil and gas production boosted the gross domestic product in states that provide energy. The state’s real GDP grew 5.5% at an annual rate from the second quarter to the third quarter, behind only Alaska, at 8.7%, […]
  • The Best Cities to Invest in Real Estate in Oklahoma
    Oklahoma has an extremely low cost of living and no rush hour. This state has been ranked as the fourth most affordable state to live in the USA. Investing in real estate in Oklahoma has expected cash flows and profit opportunities. Get to know if Oklahoma is the best place to buy a house or not. In […]
  • Investors: A Real Estate Agent’s Most Powerful Partnership
    As any real estate agent knows, leads are the lifeblood to success. This is why it is no secret that a high percentage of most agents’ time is dedicated to uncovering possible leads via as many conduits as possible.  That being said, all leads are not created equal. Some leads roll in thanks to expensive […]
  • How Pre-Qualification Can Help You Get Your Dream Home
    Buying a home is an important – and exciting – decision. After all, having a place to call your own, to raise your family in, to do as you wish with no landlord to answer to are all motivating factors in starting the process. But, in addition to these emotional reasons, buying a home can […]
  • Seeking High-Quality Contractors to Join Our Team
    An important piece of the real estate puzzle hinges on building a strong team. This is why in addition to our network of agents, lenders, attorneys, and brokers, we are always on the lookout for great contractors to partner with. Below is some more insight on what we are looking for along with a number […]
  • Are you Looking to Grow Your Real Estate Investment Opportunities?
    If you are a real estate investor looking to purchase wholesale properties or partner on joint venture projects, look no further. Our team has the experience, know-how, and infrastructure to offer you opportunities in your real estate investment endeavors. No matter if you are looking for a rehab project to work on or you are […]
  • Situations We Can Help Home Sellers With
    Homeowners find themselves in the position of having to sell their home fast for any number of reasons. For example, there are times when family obligations require you to move out of state with little warning. Maybe a job relocation takes you to a new area. Or a personal situation has arisen, putting homeowners on […]